Navigating Parenthood: Adventures in the Korai Universe

August 27, 2023

Hey there, cosmic wanderers and fellow overthinkers! I'm the mom behind the keyboard, juggling life's grand chaos while riding the wild ADHD rollercoaster. Welcome to the Korai Universe – a quirky corner of the internet where professional overthinking meets the delightful whirlwind of being a neurodivergent explorer.

By day, I navigate the intricacies of motherhood and working from home, armed with more coffee than I'd like to admit and a heart full of endless love. By night, I'm a stargazer of thoughts, chasing ideas through constellations of creativity. ADHD is my co-pilot in this adventure, giving me a unique lens through which to view the world – and trust me, it's quite the ride!

Join me as I share insights, struggles, triumphs, and the downright hilarious moments that come with being a mom and an advocate. Explore the quirks of neurodivergence, and maybe even discover a black hole of memes along the way.

So, fellow travelers of the universe, buckle up as we rocket through the galaxies of parenthood, passion, and pondering. It might get bumpy, it might get weird, but one thing's for sure – it'll be a journey unlike any other. Let's embrace the chaos together in this wonderfully tangled cosmic web! 🌟🪐🚀

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